“I’m probably being neurotic but Benny seems a bit under the weather”

Three hours later, and the word leukaemia was uttered for the first time.

Benny is three.

At the beginning of May 2015, a week before his third birthday, we found out Benny had Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia.

His first dose of chemotherapy was administered as his friends arrived for his birthday party.

Hi. I’m Lisa, Benny’s mum.

My husband Bern and I lived in Kingston-Upon-Thames in Greater London, UK and moved to Canberra, Australia in January 2016.

Benny, now 4, has two big brothers Fred who is 7, Alex aged 5 and 2 year old sister, Elizabeth.

This is The Narrative of a Leukaemia Mum. Join me on our journey.

Painting by Auntie Armelle Swan, July 2015

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